Attributes { Grid { String GridHeader "BinMethod=ARITHMETIC_MEAN; Registration=CENTER; LatitudeResolution=5; LongitudeResolution=5; NorthBoundingCoordinate=40; SouthBoundingCoordinate=-40; EastBoundingCoordinate=180; WestBoundingCoordinate=-180; Origin=SOUTHWEST; "; } HDF_GLOBAL { String FileHeader "AlgorithmID=3A26; AlgorithmVersion=7.1; FileName=3A26.20080601.7.HDF; GenerationDateTime=2011-08-11T14:09:12.000Z; StartGranuleDateTime=2008-06-01T00:00:00.000Z; StopGranuleDateTime=2008-07-01T00:00:00.000Z; GranuleNumber=; NumberOfSwaths=0; NumberOfGrids=1; GranuleStart=; TimeInterval=MONTH; ProcessingSystem=PPS; ProductVersion=7; MissingData=; "; String FileInfo "DataFormatVersion=m; TKCodeBuildVersion=1; MetadataVersion=m; FormatPackage=HDF Version 4.2 Release 4, January 25, 2009; BlueprintFilename=TRMM.V7.3A26.blueprint.xml; BlueprintVersion=BV_13; TKIOVersion=1.6; MetadataStyle=PVL; EndianType=LITTLE_ENDIAN; "; String JAXAInfo "CalibrationCoefficientVersion=1; GranuleFirstScanUTCDate=; GranuleFirstScanUTCTime=; GranuleFirstScanUTCMilliseconds=; GranuleLastScanUTCDate=; GranuleLastScanUTCTime=; GranuleLastScanUTCMilliseconds=; SoftwareVersion=3; DatabaseVersion=5; TotalQualityCode=G; LongitudeOnEquator=; UTCDateOnEquator=; UTCTimeOnEquator=; UTCMillisecondsOnEquator=; CenterScanUTCDate=; CenterScanUTCTime=; CenterScanUTCMilliseconds=; FirstScanLat=; FirstScanLon=; LastScanLat=; LastScanLon=; NumberOfRainScans=; "; String GridHeader "BinMethod=ARITHMETIC_MEAN; Registration=CENTER; LatitudeResolution=5; LongitudeResolution=5; NorthBoundingCoordinate=40; SouthBoundingCoordinate=-40; EastBoundingCoordinate=180; WestBoundingCoordinate=-180; Origin=SOUTHWEST; "; } ttlCount { String coordinates "nlon nlat"; Int32 _FillValue -9999; } rainCount { String coordinates "nh3 nlon nlat"; Int32 _FillValue -9999; } zeroOrderpDf { String coordinates "nthrshZO nh3 ncat3 nlon nlat"; Int32 _FillValue -9999; } hbpDf { String coordinates "nthrshHB nh3 ncat3 nlon nlat"; Int32 _FillValue -9999; } pDf2A25 { String coordinates "nthrshSRT nh3 ncat3 nlon nlat"; Int32 _FillValue -9999; } zeroOrderFit { String coordinates "nthrshZO fakeDim5 nh3 nlon nlat"; Float32 _FillValue -999; Float32 valid_min 0; } hbFit { String coordinates "nthrshHB fakeDim5 nh3 nlon nlat"; Float32 _FillValue -999; Float32 valid_min 0; } fit2A25 { String coordinates "nthrshSRT fakeDim5 nh3 nlon nlat"; Float32 _FillValue -999; Float32 valid_min 0; } reliabOrderFit { String coordinates "nthrshZO nh3 nlon nlat"; Float32 _FillValue -999; Float32 valid_min 0; } reliabHBfit { String coordinates "nthrshHB nh3 nlon nlat"; Float32 _FillValue -999; Float32 valid_min 0; } reliab2A25fit { String coordinates "nthrshSRT nh3 nlon nlat"; Float32 _FillValue -999; Float32 valid_min 0; } rainMeanTH { String units "mm/hr"; String coordinates "nh3 nlon nlat"; Float32 _FillValue -999; Float32 valid_min 0; } nlon { String long_name "longitude"; String standard_name "longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; } nlat { String long_name "latitude"; String standard_name "latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; } nthrshZO { } nthrshHB { } nthrshSRT { } fakeDim5 { String units "level"; } ncat3 { String units "level"; String comment "Index number to represent catgories for probability distribution functions.Check more information from the references."; String references ""; } nh3 { String units "level"; String comment "Index number to represent the fixed heights above the earth ellipsoid, at 2, 4, 6 km plus one for path-average."; String references ""; } }