Dataset Information

FileHeader: DOI=10.5067/GPM/PR/TRMM/3A-ASC/07; DOIauthority=; DOIshortName=3PR_ASC; AlgorithmID=3PR; AlgorithmVersion=3.20220216; FileName=3A-DAY-ASC.TRMM.PR.V3-20220216.20020424-S000000-E235959.114.V07A.HDF5; SatelliteName=TRMM; InstrumentName=PR; GenerationDateTime=2022-06-11T07:48:44.000Z; StartGranuleDateTime=2002-04-24T00:00:00.000Z; StopGranuleDateTime=2002-04-24T23:59:59.999Z; GranuleNumber=; NumberOfSwaths=0; NumberOfGrids=6; GranuleStart=; TimeInterval=DAY_ASC; ProcessingSystem=PPS; ProductVersion=V07A; EmptyGranule=NOT_EMPTY; MissingData=;
FileInfo: DataFormatVersion=7c; TKCodeBuildVersion=0; MetadataVersion=7c; FormatPackage=HDF5-1.10.5; BlueprintFilename=GPM.V7.3PR.blueprint.xml; BlueprintVersion=BV_69; TKIOVersion=3.99; MetadataStyle=PVL; EndianType=LITTLE_ENDIAN;
JAXAInfo: GranuleFirstScanUTCDateTime=; GranuleLastScanUTCDateTime=; TotalQualityCode=Fair; FirstScanLat=; FirstScanLon=; LastScanLat=; LastScanLon=; NumberOfRainPixelsFS=; NumberOfRainPixelsHS=; ProcessingSubSystem=; ProcessingMode=; LightSpeed=; DielectricFactorKa=; DielectricFactorKu=;

Variables in this Dataset

FS_G1_zeta_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zeta/count
FS_G1_zeta_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zeta/mean
FS_G1_zeta_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zeta/stdev
FS_G1_zeta_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zeta/hist
FS_G1_zFactorMeasuredNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zFactorMeasuredNearSurface/count
FS_G1_zFactorMeasuredNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zFactorMeasuredNearSurface/mean
FS_G1_zFactorMeasuredNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zFactorMeasuredNearSurface/stdev
FS_G1_zFactorMeasuredNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zFactorMeasuredNearSurface/hist
FS_G1_precipRateESurface2_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRateESurface2/count
FS_G1_precipRateESurface2_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRateESurface2/mean
FS_G1_precipRateESurface2_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRateESurface2/stdev
FS_G1_precipRateESurface2_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRateESurface2/hist
FS_G1_mixedPhRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/mixedPhRateNearSurface/count
FS_G1_mixedPhRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/mixedPhRateNearSurface/mean
FS_G1_mixedPhRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/mixedPhRateNearSurface/stdev
FS_G1_mixedPhRateNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/mixedPhRateNearSurface/hist
FS_G1_precipIceIntegrated_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipIceIntegrated/count
FS_G1_precipIceIntegrated_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipIceIntegrated/mean
FS_G1_precipIceIntegrated_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipIceIntegrated/stdev
FS_G1_precipIceIntegrated_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipIceIntegrated/hist
FS_G1_snowRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/snowRateNearSurface/count
FS_G1_snowRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/snowRateNearSurface/mean
FS_G1_snowRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/snowRateNearSurface/stdev
FS_G1_snowRateNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/snowRateNearSurface/hist
FS_G1_heightStormTop_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/heightStormTop/count
FS_G1_heightStormTop_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/heightStormTop/mean
FS_G1_heightStormTop_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/heightStormTop/stdev
FS_G1_heightStormTop_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/heightStormTop/hist
FS_G1_precipRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRateNearSurface/count
FS_G1_precipRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRateNearSurface/mean
FS_G1_precipRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRateNearSurface/stdev
FS_G1_precipRateNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRateNearSurface/hist
FS_G1_zFactorMeasured_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zFactorMeasured/count
FS_G1_zFactorMeasured_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zFactorMeasured/mean
FS_G1_zFactorMeasured_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zFactorMeasured/stdev
FS_G1_zFactorMeasured_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zFactorMeasured/hist
FS_G1_heightBBnadir_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/heightBBnadir/count
FS_G1_heightBBnadir_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/heightBBnadir/mean
FS_G1_heightBBnadir_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/heightBBnadir/stdev
FS_G1_heightBBnadir_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/heightBBnadir/hist
FS_G1_precipRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRate/count
FS_G1_precipRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRate/mean
FS_G1_precipRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRate/stdev
FS_G1_precipRate_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRate/hist
FS_G1_BBwidth_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/BBwidth/count
FS_G1_BBwidth_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/BBwidth/mean
FS_G1_BBwidth_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/BBwidth/stdev
FS_G1_BBwidth_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/BBwidth/hist
FS_G1_zFactorFinal_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zFactorFinal/count
FS_G1_zFactorFinal_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zFactorFinal/mean
FS_G1_zFactorFinal_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zFactorFinal/stdev
FS_G1_zFactorFinal_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zFactorFinal/hist
FS_G1_DFRmNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/DFRmNearSurface/count
FS_G1_DFRmNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/DFRmNearSurface/mean
FS_G1_DFRmNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/DFRmNearSurface/stdev
FS_G1_DFRmNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/DFRmNearSurface/hist
FS_G1_DFRNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/DFRNearSurface/count
FS_G1_DFRNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/DFRNearSurface/mean
FS_G1_DFRNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/DFRNearSurface/stdev
FS_G1_DFRNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/DFRNearSurface/hist
FS_G1_zFactorFinalESurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zFactorFinalESurface/count
FS_G1_zFactorFinalESurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zFactorFinalESurface/mean
FS_G1_zFactorFinalESurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zFactorFinalESurface/stdev
FS_G1_zFactorFinalESurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zFactorFinalESurface/hist
FS_G1_piaFinalSubset_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/piaFinalSubset/count
FS_G1_piaFinalSubset_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/piaFinalSubset/mean
FS_G1_piaFinalSubset_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/piaFinalSubset/stdev
FS_G1_piaFinalSubset_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/piaFinalSubset/hist
FS_G1_piaHybrid_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/piaHybrid/count
FS_G1_piaHybrid_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/piaHybrid/mean
FS_G1_piaHybrid_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/piaHybrid/stdev
FS_G1_piaHybrid_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/piaHybrid/hist
FS_G1_snowRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/snowRate/count
FS_G1_snowRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/snowRate/mean
FS_G1_snowRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/snowRate/stdev
FS_G1_snowRate_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/snowRate/hist
FS_G1_precipRateAve24_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRateAve24/count
FS_G1_precipRateAve24_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRateAve24/mean
FS_G1_precipRateAve24_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRateAve24/stdev
FS_G1_precipRateAve24_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRateAve24/hist
FS_G1_precipRateNearSurfaceUnconditional: Array of 32 bit Reals [chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: precipRateNearSurfaceUnconditional
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRateNearSurfaceUnconditional
FS_G1_dm_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/dm/count
FS_G1_dm_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/dm/mean
FS_G1_dm_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/dm/stdev
FS_G1_dm_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/dm/hist
FS_G1_BBwidthNadir_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/BBwidthNadir/count
FS_G1_BBwidthNadir_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/BBwidthNadir/mean
FS_G1_BBwidthNadir_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/BBwidthNadir/stdev
FS_G1_BBwidthNadir_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/BBwidthNadir/hist
FS_G1_piaSRT_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/piaSRT/count
FS_G1_piaSRT_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/piaSRT/mean
FS_G1_piaSRT_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/piaSRT/stdev
FS_G1_piaSRT_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/piaSRT/hist
FS_G1_observationCounts_total: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: total
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/observationCounts/total
FS_G1_observationCounts_localTime: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][tim = 0..23][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,tim,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: localTime
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/observationCounts/localTime
FS_G1_observationCounts_pia: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,ang7,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: pia
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/observationCounts/pia
FS_G1_observationCounts_shallowRain: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: shallowRain
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/observationCounts/shallowRain
FS_G1_zFactorFinalNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zFactorFinalNearSurface/count
FS_G1_zFactorFinalNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zFactorFinalNearSurface/mean
FS_G1_zFactorFinalNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zFactorFinalNearSurface/stdev
FS_G1_zFactorFinalNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/zFactorFinalNearSurface/hist
FS_G1_piaFinal_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/piaFinal/count
FS_G1_piaFinal_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/piaFinal/mean
FS_G1_piaFinal_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/piaFinal/stdev
FS_G1_piaFinal_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/piaFinal/hist
FS_G1_heightBB_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/heightBB/count
FS_G1_heightBB_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/heightBB/mean
FS_G1_heightBB_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/heightBB/stdev
FS_G1_heightBB_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/heightBB/hist
FS_G1_rainRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/rainRate/count
FS_G1_rainRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/rainRate/mean
FS_G1_rainRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/rainRate/stdev
FS_G1_rainRate_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/rainRate/hist
FS_G1_dBNw_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/dBNw/count
FS_G1_dBNw_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/dBNw/mean
FS_G1_dBNw_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/dBNw/stdev
FS_G1_dBNw_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/dBNw/hist
FS_G1_precipWaterIntegrated_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipWaterIntegrated/count
FS_G1_precipWaterIntegrated_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipWaterIntegrated/mean
FS_G1_precipWaterIntegrated_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipWaterIntegrated/stdev
FS_G1_precipWaterIntegrated_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipWaterIntegrated/hist
FS_G1_mixedPhRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/mixedPhRate/count
FS_G1_mixedPhRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/mixedPhRate/mean
FS_G1_mixedPhRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/mixedPhRate/stdev
FS_G1_mixedPhRate_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/mixedPhRate/hist
FS_G1_precipProbabilityNearSurface: Array of 32 bit Reals [chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: precipProbabilityNearSurface
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipProbabilityNearSurface
FS_G1_flagHeavyIcePrecip_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/flagHeavyIcePrecip/count
FS_G1_flagHeavyIcePrecip_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/flagHeavyIcePrecip/mean
FS_G1_flagHeavyIcePrecip_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/flagHeavyIcePrecip/stdev
FS_G1_flagHeavyIcePrecip_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/flagHeavyIcePrecip/hist
FS_G1_precipRateLocalTime_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][tim = 0..23][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,tim,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRateLocalTime/count
FS_G1_precipRateLocalTime_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][tim = 0..23][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,tim,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRateLocalTime/mean
FS_G1_precipRateLocalTime_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][tim = 0..23][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,tim,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRateLocalTime/stdev
FS_G1_piaHB_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/piaHB/count
FS_G1_piaHB_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/piaHB/mean
FS_G1_piaHB_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/piaHB/stdev
FS_G1_piaHB_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,ang7,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/piaHB/hist
FS_G1_epsilon_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/epsilon/count
FS_G1_epsilon_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/epsilon/mean
FS_G1_epsilon_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/epsilon/stdev
FS_G1_epsilon_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/epsilon/hist
FS_G1_rainRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/rainRateNearSurface/count
FS_G1_rainRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/rainRateNearSurface/mean
FS_G1_rainRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/rainRateNearSurface/stdev
FS_G1_rainRateNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/rainRateNearSurface/hist
FS_G1_precipRateESurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRateESurface/count
FS_G1_precipRateESurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRateESurface/mean
FS_G1_precipRateESurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRateESurface/stdev
FS_G1_precipRateESurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /FS/G1/precipRateESurface/hist
FS_G2_zeta_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang7,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/zeta/count
FS_G2_zeta_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang7,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/zeta/mean
FS_G2_zeta_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang7,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/zeta/stdev
FS_G2_zFactorMeasuredNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/zFactorMeasuredNearSurface/count
FS_G2_zFactorMeasuredNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/zFactorMeasuredNearSurface/mean
FS_G2_zFactorMeasuredNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/zFactorMeasuredNearSurface/stdev
FS_G2_precipRateESurface2_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipRateESurface2/count
FS_G2_precipRateESurface2_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipRateESurface2/mean
FS_G2_precipRateESurface2_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipRateESurface2/stdev
FS_G2_mixedPhRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/mixedPhRateNearSurface/count
FS_G2_mixedPhRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/mixedPhRateNearSurface/mean
FS_G2_mixedPhRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/mixedPhRateNearSurface/stdev
FS_G2_precipIceIntegrated_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipIceIntegrated/count
FS_G2_precipIceIntegrated_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipIceIntegrated/mean
FS_G2_precipIceIntegrated_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipIceIntegrated/stdev
FS_G2_snowRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/snowRateNearSurface/count
FS_G2_snowRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/snowRateNearSurface/mean
FS_G2_snowRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/snowRateNearSurface/stdev
FS_G2_heightStormTop_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/heightStormTop/count
FS_G2_heightStormTop_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/heightStormTop/mean
FS_G2_heightStormTop_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/heightStormTop/stdev
FS_G2_precipRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipRateNearSurface/count
FS_G2_precipRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipRateNearSurface/mean
FS_G2_precipRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipRateNearSurface/stdev
FS_G2_zFactorMeasured_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/zFactorMeasured/count
FS_G2_zFactorMeasured_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/zFactorMeasured/mean
FS_G2_zFactorMeasured_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/zFactorMeasured/stdev
FS_G2_heightBBnadir_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/heightBBnadir/count
FS_G2_heightBBnadir_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/heightBBnadir/mean
FS_G2_heightBBnadir_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/heightBBnadir/stdev
FS_G2_precipRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipRate/count
FS_G2_precipRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipRate/mean
FS_G2_precipRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipRate/stdev
FS_G2_BBwidth_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/BBwidth/count
FS_G2_BBwidth_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/BBwidth/mean
FS_G2_BBwidth_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/BBwidth/stdev
FS_G2_zFactorFinal_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/zFactorFinal/count
FS_G2_zFactorFinal_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/zFactorFinal/mean
FS_G2_zFactorFinal_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/zFactorFinal/stdev
FS_G2_DFRmNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/DFRmNearSurface/count
FS_G2_DFRmNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/DFRmNearSurface/mean
FS_G2_DFRmNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/DFRmNearSurface/stdev
FS_G2_DFRNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/DFRNearSurface/count
FS_G2_DFRNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/DFRNearSurface/mean
FS_G2_DFRNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/DFRNearSurface/stdev
FS_G2_zFactorFinalESurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/zFactorFinalESurface/count
FS_G2_zFactorFinalESurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/zFactorFinalESurface/mean
FS_G2_zFactorFinalESurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/zFactorFinalESurface/stdev
FS_G2_piaFinalSubset_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang7,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/piaFinalSubset/count
FS_G2_piaFinalSubset_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang7,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/piaFinalSubset/mean
FS_G2_piaFinalSubset_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang7,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/piaFinalSubset/stdev
FS_G2_piaHybrid_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang7,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/piaHybrid/count
FS_G2_piaHybrid_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang7,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/piaHybrid/mean
FS_G2_piaHybrid_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang7,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/piaHybrid/stdev
FS_G2_snowRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/snowRate/count
FS_G2_snowRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/snowRate/mean
FS_G2_snowRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/snowRate/stdev
FS_G2_precipRateAve24_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipRateAve24/count
FS_G2_precipRateAve24_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipRateAve24/mean
FS_G2_precipRateAve24_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipRateAve24/stdev
FS_G2_precipRateNearSurfaceUnconditional: Array of 32 bit Reals [chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: precipRateNearSurfaceUnconditional
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipRateNearSurfaceUnconditional
FS_G2_dm_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/dm/count
FS_G2_dm_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/dm/mean
FS_G2_dm_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/dm/stdev
FS_G2_BBwidthNadir_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/BBwidthNadir/count
FS_G2_BBwidthNadir_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/BBwidthNadir/mean
FS_G2_BBwidthNadir_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/BBwidthNadir/stdev
FS_G2_piaSRT_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang7,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/piaSRT/count
FS_G2_piaSRT_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang7,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/piaSRT/mean
FS_G2_piaSRT_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang7,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/piaSRT/stdev
FS_G2_observationCounts_total: Array of 32 bit Integers [chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: total
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/observationCounts/total
FS_G2_observationCounts_localTime: Array of 32 bit Integers [tim = 0..23][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: tim,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: localTime
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/observationCounts/localTime
FS_G2_observationCounts_pia: Array of 32 bit Integers [ang7 = 0..6][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: ang7,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: pia
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/observationCounts/pia
FS_G2_observationCounts_shallowRain: Array of 32 bit Integers [chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: shallowRain
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/observationCounts/shallowRain
FS_G2_zFactorFinalNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/zFactorFinalNearSurface/count
FS_G2_zFactorFinalNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/zFactorFinalNearSurface/mean
FS_G2_zFactorFinalNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/zFactorFinalNearSurface/stdev
FS_G2_piaFinal_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang7,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/piaFinal/count
FS_G2_piaFinal_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang7,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/piaFinal/mean
FS_G2_piaFinal_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang7,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/piaFinal/stdev
FS_G2_heightBB_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/heightBB/count
FS_G2_heightBB_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/heightBB/mean
FS_G2_heightBB_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/heightBB/stdev
FS_G2_rainRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/rainRate/count
FS_G2_rainRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/rainRate/mean
FS_G2_rainRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/rainRate/stdev
FS_G2_dBNw_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/dBNw/count
FS_G2_dBNw_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/dBNw/mean
FS_G2_dBNw_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/dBNw/stdev
FS_G2_precipWaterIntegrated_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipWaterIntegrated/count
FS_G2_precipWaterIntegrated_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipWaterIntegrated/mean
FS_G2_precipWaterIntegrated_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipWaterIntegrated/stdev
FS_G2_mixedPhRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/mixedPhRate/count
FS_G2_mixedPhRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/mixedPhRate/mean
FS_G2_mixedPhRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/mixedPhRate/stdev
FS_G2_precipProbabilityNearSurface: Array of 32 bit Reals [chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: precipProbabilityNearSurface
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipProbabilityNearSurface
FS_G2_flagHeavyIcePrecip_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/flagHeavyIcePrecip/count
FS_G2_flagHeavyIcePrecip_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/flagHeavyIcePrecip/mean
FS_G2_flagHeavyIcePrecip_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/flagHeavyIcePrecip/stdev
FS_G2_precipRateLocalTime_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [tim = 0..23][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: tim,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipRateLocalTime/count
FS_G2_precipRateLocalTime_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [tim = 0..23][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: tim,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipRateLocalTime/mean
FS_G2_precipRateLocalTime_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [tim = 0..23][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: tim,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipRateLocalTime/stdev
FS_G2_piaHB_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang7,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/piaHB/count
FS_G2_piaHB_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang7,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/piaHB/mean
FS_G2_piaHB_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang7 = 0..6][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang7,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/piaHB/stdev
FS_G2_epsilon_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/epsilon/count
FS_G2_epsilon_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/epsilon/mean
FS_G2_epsilon_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/epsilon/stdev
FS_G2_rainRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/rainRateNearSurface/count
FS_G2_rainRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/rainRateNearSurface/mean
FS_G2_rainRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/rainRateNearSurface/stdev
FS_G2_precipRateESurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipRateESurface/count
FS_G2_precipRateESurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipRateESurface/mean
FS_G2_precipRateESurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /FS/G2/precipRateESurface/stdev
MS_G1_zeta_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zeta/count
MS_G1_zeta_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zeta/mean
MS_G1_zeta_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zeta/stdev
MS_G1_zeta_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zeta/hist
MS_G1_zFactorMeasuredNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zFactorMeasuredNearSurface/count
MS_G1_zFactorMeasuredNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zFactorMeasuredNearSurface/mean
MS_G1_zFactorMeasuredNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zFactorMeasuredNearSurface/stdev
MS_G1_zFactorMeasuredNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zFactorMeasuredNearSurface/hist
MS_G1_precipRateESurface2_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRateESurface2/count
MS_G1_precipRateESurface2_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRateESurface2/mean
MS_G1_precipRateESurface2_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRateESurface2/stdev
MS_G1_precipRateESurface2_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRateESurface2/hist
MS_G1_mixedPhRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/mixedPhRateNearSurface/count
MS_G1_mixedPhRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/mixedPhRateNearSurface/mean
MS_G1_mixedPhRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/mixedPhRateNearSurface/stdev
MS_G1_mixedPhRateNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/mixedPhRateNearSurface/hist
MS_G1_precipIceIntegrated_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipIceIntegrated/count
MS_G1_precipIceIntegrated_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipIceIntegrated/mean
MS_G1_precipIceIntegrated_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipIceIntegrated/stdev
MS_G1_precipIceIntegrated_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipIceIntegrated/hist
MS_G1_snowRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/snowRateNearSurface/count
MS_G1_snowRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/snowRateNearSurface/mean
MS_G1_snowRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/snowRateNearSurface/stdev
MS_G1_snowRateNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/snowRateNearSurface/hist
MS_G1_heightStormTop_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/heightStormTop/count
MS_G1_heightStormTop_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/heightStormTop/mean
MS_G1_heightStormTop_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/heightStormTop/stdev
MS_G1_heightStormTop_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/heightStormTop/hist
MS_G1_precipRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRateNearSurface/count
MS_G1_precipRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRateNearSurface/mean
MS_G1_precipRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRateNearSurface/stdev
MS_G1_precipRateNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRateNearSurface/hist
MS_G1_zFactorMeasured_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zFactorMeasured/count
MS_G1_zFactorMeasured_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zFactorMeasured/mean
MS_G1_zFactorMeasured_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zFactorMeasured/stdev
MS_G1_zFactorMeasured_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zFactorMeasured/hist
MS_G1_heightBBnadir_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/heightBBnadir/count
MS_G1_heightBBnadir_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/heightBBnadir/mean
MS_G1_heightBBnadir_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/heightBBnadir/stdev
MS_G1_heightBBnadir_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/heightBBnadir/hist
MS_G1_precipRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRate/count
MS_G1_precipRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRate/mean
MS_G1_precipRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRate/stdev
MS_G1_precipRate_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRate/hist
MS_G1_BBwidth_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/BBwidth/count
MS_G1_BBwidth_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/BBwidth/mean
MS_G1_BBwidth_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/BBwidth/stdev
MS_G1_BBwidth_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/BBwidth/hist
MS_G1_zFactorFinal_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zFactorFinal/count
MS_G1_zFactorFinal_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zFactorFinal/mean
MS_G1_zFactorFinal_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zFactorFinal/stdev
MS_G1_zFactorFinal_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zFactorFinal/hist
MS_G1_DFRmNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/DFRmNearSurface/count
MS_G1_DFRmNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/DFRmNearSurface/mean
MS_G1_DFRmNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/DFRmNearSurface/stdev
MS_G1_DFRmNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/DFRmNearSurface/hist
MS_G1_DFRNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/DFRNearSurface/count
MS_G1_DFRNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/DFRNearSurface/mean
MS_G1_DFRNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/DFRNearSurface/stdev
MS_G1_DFRNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/DFRNearSurface/hist
MS_G1_zFactorFinalESurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zFactorFinalESurface/count
MS_G1_zFactorFinalESurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zFactorFinalESurface/mean
MS_G1_zFactorFinalESurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zFactorFinalESurface/stdev
MS_G1_zFactorFinalESurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zFactorFinalESurface/hist
MS_G1_piaFinalSubset_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/piaFinalSubset/count
MS_G1_piaFinalSubset_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/piaFinalSubset/mean
MS_G1_piaFinalSubset_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/piaFinalSubset/stdev
MS_G1_piaFinalSubset_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/piaFinalSubset/hist
MS_G1_piaHybrid_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/piaHybrid/count
MS_G1_piaHybrid_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/piaHybrid/mean
MS_G1_piaHybrid_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/piaHybrid/stdev
MS_G1_piaHybrid_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/piaHybrid/hist
MS_G1_snowRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/snowRate/count
MS_G1_snowRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/snowRate/mean
MS_G1_snowRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/snowRate/stdev
MS_G1_snowRate_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/snowRate/hist
MS_G1_precipRateAve24_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRateAve24/count
MS_G1_precipRateAve24_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRateAve24/mean
MS_G1_precipRateAve24_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRateAve24/stdev
MS_G1_precipRateAve24_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRateAve24/hist
MS_G1_precipRateNearSurfaceUnconditional: Array of 32 bit Reals [chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: precipRateNearSurfaceUnconditional
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRateNearSurfaceUnconditional
MS_G1_dm_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/dm/count
MS_G1_dm_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/dm/mean
MS_G1_dm_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/dm/stdev
MS_G1_dm_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/dm/hist
MS_G1_BBwidthNadir_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/BBwidthNadir/count
MS_G1_BBwidthNadir_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/BBwidthNadir/mean
MS_G1_BBwidthNadir_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/BBwidthNadir/stdev
MS_G1_BBwidthNadir_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/BBwidthNadir/hist
MS_G1_piaSRT_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/piaSRT/count
MS_G1_piaSRT_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/piaSRT/mean
MS_G1_piaSRT_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/piaSRT/stdev
MS_G1_piaSRT_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/piaSRT/hist
MS_G1_observationCounts_total: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: total
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/observationCounts/total
MS_G1_observationCounts_localTime: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][tim = 0..23][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,tim,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: localTime
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/observationCounts/localTime
MS_G1_observationCounts_pia: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,ang4,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: pia
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/observationCounts/pia
MS_G1_observationCounts_shallowRain: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: shallowRain
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/observationCounts/shallowRain
MS_G1_zFactorFinalNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zFactorFinalNearSurface/count
MS_G1_zFactorFinalNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zFactorFinalNearSurface/mean
MS_G1_zFactorFinalNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zFactorFinalNearSurface/stdev
MS_G1_zFactorFinalNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/zFactorFinalNearSurface/hist
MS_G1_piaFinal_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/piaFinal/count
MS_G1_piaFinal_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/piaFinal/mean
MS_G1_piaFinal_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/piaFinal/stdev
MS_G1_piaFinal_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/piaFinal/hist
MS_G1_heightBB_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/heightBB/count
MS_G1_heightBB_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/heightBB/mean
MS_G1_heightBB_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/heightBB/stdev
MS_G1_heightBB_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/heightBB/hist
MS_G1_rainRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/rainRate/count
MS_G1_rainRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/rainRate/mean
MS_G1_rainRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/rainRate/stdev
MS_G1_rainRate_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/rainRate/hist
MS_G1_dBNw_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/dBNw/count
MS_G1_dBNw_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/dBNw/mean
MS_G1_dBNw_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/dBNw/stdev
MS_G1_dBNw_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/dBNw/hist
MS_G1_precipWaterIntegrated_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipWaterIntegrated/count
MS_G1_precipWaterIntegrated_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipWaterIntegrated/mean
MS_G1_precipWaterIntegrated_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipWaterIntegrated/stdev
MS_G1_precipWaterIntegrated_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipWaterIntegrated/hist
MS_G1_mixedPhRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/mixedPhRate/count
MS_G1_mixedPhRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/mixedPhRate/mean
MS_G1_mixedPhRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/mixedPhRate/stdev
MS_G1_mixedPhRate_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/mixedPhRate/hist
MS_G1_precipProbabilityNearSurface: Array of 32 bit Reals [chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: precipProbabilityNearSurface
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipProbabilityNearSurface
MS_G1_flagHeavyIcePrecip_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/flagHeavyIcePrecip/count
MS_G1_flagHeavyIcePrecip_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/flagHeavyIcePrecip/mean
MS_G1_flagHeavyIcePrecip_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/flagHeavyIcePrecip/stdev
MS_G1_flagHeavyIcePrecip_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/flagHeavyIcePrecip/hist
MS_G1_precipRateLocalTime_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][tim = 0..23][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,tim,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRateLocalTime/count
MS_G1_precipRateLocalTime_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][tim = 0..23][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,tim,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRateLocalTime/mean
MS_G1_precipRateLocalTime_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][tim = 0..23][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,tim,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRateLocalTime/stdev
MS_G1_piaHB_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/piaHB/count
MS_G1_piaHB_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/piaHB/mean
MS_G1_piaHB_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/piaHB/stdev
MS_G1_piaHB_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,ang4,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/piaHB/hist
MS_G1_epsilon_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/epsilon/count
MS_G1_epsilon_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/epsilon/mean
MS_G1_epsilon_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/epsilon/stdev
MS_G1_epsilon_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/epsilon/hist
MS_G1_rainRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/rainRateNearSurface/count
MS_G1_rainRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/rainRateNearSurface/mean
MS_G1_rainRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/rainRateNearSurface/stdev
MS_G1_rainRateNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/rainRateNearSurface/hist
MS_G1_precipRateESurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRateESurface/count
MS_G1_precipRateESurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRateESurface/mean
MS_G1_precipRateESurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRateESurface/stdev
MS_G1_precipRateESurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,chn3,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /MS/G1/precipRateESurface/hist
MS_G2_zeta_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/zeta/count
MS_G2_zeta_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/zeta/mean
MS_G2_zeta_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/zeta/stdev
MS_G2_zFactorMeasuredNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/zFactorMeasuredNearSurface/count
MS_G2_zFactorMeasuredNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/zFactorMeasuredNearSurface/mean
MS_G2_zFactorMeasuredNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/zFactorMeasuredNearSurface/stdev
MS_G2_precipRateESurface2_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipRateESurface2/count
MS_G2_precipRateESurface2_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipRateESurface2/mean
MS_G2_precipRateESurface2_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipRateESurface2/stdev
MS_G2_mixedPhRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/mixedPhRateNearSurface/count
MS_G2_mixedPhRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/mixedPhRateNearSurface/mean
MS_G2_mixedPhRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/mixedPhRateNearSurface/stdev
MS_G2_precipIceIntegrated_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipIceIntegrated/count
MS_G2_precipIceIntegrated_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipIceIntegrated/mean
MS_G2_precipIceIntegrated_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipIceIntegrated/stdev
MS_G2_snowRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/snowRateNearSurface/count
MS_G2_snowRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/snowRateNearSurface/mean
MS_G2_snowRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/snowRateNearSurface/stdev
MS_G2_heightStormTop_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/heightStormTop/count
MS_G2_heightStormTop_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/heightStormTop/mean
MS_G2_heightStormTop_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/heightStormTop/stdev
MS_G2_precipRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipRateNearSurface/count
MS_G2_precipRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipRateNearSurface/mean
MS_G2_precipRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipRateNearSurface/stdev
MS_G2_zFactorMeasured_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/zFactorMeasured/count
MS_G2_zFactorMeasured_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/zFactorMeasured/mean
MS_G2_zFactorMeasured_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/zFactorMeasured/stdev
MS_G2_heightBBnadir_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/heightBBnadir/count
MS_G2_heightBBnadir_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/heightBBnadir/mean
MS_G2_heightBBnadir_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/heightBBnadir/stdev
MS_G2_precipRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipRate/count
MS_G2_precipRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipRate/mean
MS_G2_precipRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipRate/stdev
MS_G2_BBwidth_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/BBwidth/count
MS_G2_BBwidth_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/BBwidth/mean
MS_G2_BBwidth_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/BBwidth/stdev
MS_G2_zFactorFinal_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/zFactorFinal/count
MS_G2_zFactorFinal_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/zFactorFinal/mean
MS_G2_zFactorFinal_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/zFactorFinal/stdev
MS_G2_DFRmNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/DFRmNearSurface/count
MS_G2_DFRmNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/DFRmNearSurface/mean
MS_G2_DFRmNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/DFRmNearSurface/stdev
MS_G2_DFRNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/DFRNearSurface/count
MS_G2_DFRNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/DFRNearSurface/mean
MS_G2_DFRNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/DFRNearSurface/stdev
MS_G2_zFactorFinalESurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/zFactorFinalESurface/count
MS_G2_zFactorFinalESurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/zFactorFinalESurface/mean
MS_G2_zFactorFinalESurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/zFactorFinalESurface/stdev
MS_G2_piaFinalSubset_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/piaFinalSubset/count
MS_G2_piaFinalSubset_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/piaFinalSubset/mean
MS_G2_piaFinalSubset_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/piaFinalSubset/stdev
MS_G2_piaHybrid_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/piaHybrid/count
MS_G2_piaHybrid_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/piaHybrid/mean
MS_G2_piaHybrid_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/piaHybrid/stdev
MS_G2_snowRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/snowRate/count
MS_G2_snowRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/snowRate/mean
MS_G2_snowRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/snowRate/stdev
MS_G2_precipRateAve24_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipRateAve24/count
MS_G2_precipRateAve24_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipRateAve24/mean
MS_G2_precipRateAve24_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipRateAve24/stdev
MS_G2_precipRateNearSurfaceUnconditional: Array of 32 bit Reals [chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: precipRateNearSurfaceUnconditional
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipRateNearSurfaceUnconditional
MS_G2_dm_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/dm/count
MS_G2_dm_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/dm/mean
MS_G2_dm_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/dm/stdev
MS_G2_BBwidthNadir_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/BBwidthNadir/count
MS_G2_BBwidthNadir_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/BBwidthNadir/mean
MS_G2_BBwidthNadir_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/BBwidthNadir/stdev
MS_G2_piaSRT_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/piaSRT/count
MS_G2_piaSRT_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/piaSRT/mean
MS_G2_piaSRT_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/piaSRT/stdev
MS_G2_observationCounts_total: Array of 32 bit Integers [chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: total
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/observationCounts/total
MS_G2_observationCounts_localTime: Array of 32 bit Integers [tim = 0..23][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: tim,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: localTime
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/observationCounts/localTime
MS_G2_observationCounts_pia: Array of 32 bit Integers [ang4 = 0..3][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: ang4,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: pia
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/observationCounts/pia
MS_G2_observationCounts_shallowRain: Array of 32 bit Integers [chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: shallowRain
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/observationCounts/shallowRain
MS_G2_zFactorFinalNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/zFactorFinalNearSurface/count
MS_G2_zFactorFinalNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/zFactorFinalNearSurface/mean
MS_G2_zFactorFinalNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/zFactorFinalNearSurface/stdev
MS_G2_piaFinal_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/piaFinal/count
MS_G2_piaFinal_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/piaFinal/mean
MS_G2_piaFinal_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/piaFinal/stdev
MS_G2_heightBB_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/heightBB/count
MS_G2_heightBB_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/heightBB/mean
MS_G2_heightBB_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/heightBB/stdev
MS_G2_rainRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/rainRate/count
MS_G2_rainRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/rainRate/mean
MS_G2_rainRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/rainRate/stdev
MS_G2_dBNw_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/dBNw/count
MS_G2_dBNw_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/dBNw/mean
MS_G2_dBNw_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/dBNw/stdev
MS_G2_precipWaterIntegrated_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipWaterIntegrated/count
MS_G2_precipWaterIntegrated_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipWaterIntegrated/mean
MS_G2_precipWaterIntegrated_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipWaterIntegrated/stdev
MS_G2_mixedPhRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/mixedPhRate/count
MS_G2_mixedPhRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/mixedPhRate/mean
MS_G2_mixedPhRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/mixedPhRate/stdev
MS_G2_precipProbabilityNearSurface: Array of 32 bit Reals [chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: precipProbabilityNearSurface
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipProbabilityNearSurface
MS_G2_flagHeavyIcePrecip_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/flagHeavyIcePrecip/count
MS_G2_flagHeavyIcePrecip_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/flagHeavyIcePrecip/mean
MS_G2_flagHeavyIcePrecip_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/flagHeavyIcePrecip/stdev
MS_G2_precipRateLocalTime_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [tim = 0..23][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: tim,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipRateLocalTime/count
MS_G2_precipRateLocalTime_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [tim = 0..23][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: tim,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipRateLocalTime/mean
MS_G2_precipRateLocalTime_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [tim = 0..23][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: tim,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipRateLocalTime/stdev
MS_G2_piaHB_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/piaHB/count
MS_G2_piaHB_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/piaHB/mean
MS_G2_piaHB_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/piaHB/stdev
MS_G2_epsilon_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/epsilon/count
MS_G2_epsilon_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/epsilon/mean
MS_G2_epsilon_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/epsilon/stdev
MS_G2_rainRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/rainRateNearSurface/count
MS_G2_rainRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/rainRateNearSurface/mean
MS_G2_rainRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/rainRateNearSurface/stdev
MS_G2_precipRateESurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipRateESurface/count
MS_G2_precipRateESurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipRateESurface/mean
MS_G2_precipRateESurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][chn3 = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,chn3,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /MS/G2/precipRateESurface/stdev
HS_G1_zeta_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zeta/count
HS_G1_zeta_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zeta/mean
HS_G1_zeta_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zeta/stdev
HS_G1_zeta_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zeta/hist
HS_G1_zFactorMeasuredNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zFactorMeasuredNearSurface/count
HS_G1_zFactorMeasuredNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zFactorMeasuredNearSurface/mean
HS_G1_zFactorMeasuredNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zFactorMeasuredNearSurface/stdev
HS_G1_zFactorMeasuredNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zFactorMeasuredNearSurface/hist
HS_G1_precipRateESurface2_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRateESurface2/count
HS_G1_precipRateESurface2_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRateESurface2/mean
HS_G1_precipRateESurface2_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRateESurface2/stdev
HS_G1_precipRateESurface2_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRateESurface2/hist
HS_G1_mixedPhRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/mixedPhRateNearSurface/count
HS_G1_mixedPhRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/mixedPhRateNearSurface/mean
HS_G1_mixedPhRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/mixedPhRateNearSurface/stdev
HS_G1_mixedPhRateNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/mixedPhRateNearSurface/hist
HS_G1_precipIceIntegrated_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipIceIntegrated/count
HS_G1_precipIceIntegrated_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipIceIntegrated/mean
HS_G1_precipIceIntegrated_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipIceIntegrated/stdev
HS_G1_precipIceIntegrated_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipIceIntegrated/hist
HS_G1_snowRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/snowRateNearSurface/count
HS_G1_snowRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/snowRateNearSurface/mean
HS_G1_snowRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/snowRateNearSurface/stdev
HS_G1_snowRateNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/snowRateNearSurface/hist
HS_G1_heightStormTop_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/heightStormTop/count
HS_G1_heightStormTop_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/heightStormTop/mean
HS_G1_heightStormTop_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/heightStormTop/stdev
HS_G1_heightStormTop_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/heightStormTop/hist
HS_G1_precipRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRateNearSurface/count
HS_G1_precipRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRateNearSurface/mean
HS_G1_precipRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRateNearSurface/stdev
HS_G1_precipRateNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRateNearSurface/hist
HS_G1_zFactorMeasured_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zFactorMeasured/count
HS_G1_zFactorMeasured_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zFactorMeasured/mean
HS_G1_zFactorMeasured_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zFactorMeasured/stdev
HS_G1_zFactorMeasured_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zFactorMeasured/hist
HS_G1_heightBBnadir_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/heightBBnadir/count
HS_G1_heightBBnadir_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/heightBBnadir/mean
HS_G1_heightBBnadir_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/heightBBnadir/stdev
HS_G1_heightBBnadir_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/heightBBnadir/hist
HS_G1_precipRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRate/count
HS_G1_precipRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRate/mean
HS_G1_precipRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRate/stdev
HS_G1_precipRate_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRate/hist
HS_G1_BBwidth_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/BBwidth/count
HS_G1_BBwidth_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/BBwidth/mean
HS_G1_BBwidth_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/BBwidth/stdev
HS_G1_BBwidth_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/BBwidth/hist
HS_G1_zFactorFinal_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zFactorFinal/count
HS_G1_zFactorFinal_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zFactorFinal/mean
HS_G1_zFactorFinal_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zFactorFinal/stdev
HS_G1_zFactorFinal_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zFactorFinal/hist
HS_G1_zFactorFinalESurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zFactorFinalESurface/count
HS_G1_zFactorFinalESurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zFactorFinalESurface/mean
HS_G1_zFactorFinalESurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zFactorFinalESurface/stdev
HS_G1_zFactorFinalESurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zFactorFinalESurface/hist
HS_G1_piaFinalSubset_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/piaFinalSubset/count
HS_G1_piaFinalSubset_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/piaFinalSubset/mean
HS_G1_piaFinalSubset_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/piaFinalSubset/stdev
HS_G1_piaFinalSubset_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/piaFinalSubset/hist
HS_G1_piaHybrid_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/piaHybrid/count
HS_G1_piaHybrid_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/piaHybrid/mean
HS_G1_piaHybrid_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/piaHybrid/stdev
HS_G1_piaHybrid_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/piaHybrid/hist
HS_G1_snowRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/snowRate/count
HS_G1_snowRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/snowRate/mean
HS_G1_snowRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/snowRate/stdev
HS_G1_snowRate_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/snowRate/hist
HS_G1_precipRateAve24_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRateAve24/count
HS_G1_precipRateAve24_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRateAve24/mean
HS_G1_precipRateAve24_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRateAve24/stdev
HS_G1_precipRateAve24_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRateAve24/hist
HS_G1_precipRateNearSurfaceUnconditional: Array of 32 bit Reals [lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: precipRateNearSurfaceUnconditional
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRateNearSurfaceUnconditional
HS_G1_dm_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/dm/count
HS_G1_dm_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/dm/mean
HS_G1_dm_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/dm/stdev
HS_G1_dm_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/dm/hist
HS_G1_BBwidthNadir_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/BBwidthNadir/count
HS_G1_BBwidthNadir_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/BBwidthNadir/mean
HS_G1_BBwidthNadir_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/BBwidthNadir/stdev
HS_G1_BBwidthNadir_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/BBwidthNadir/hist
HS_G1_piaSRT_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/piaSRT/count
HS_G1_piaSRT_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/piaSRT/mean
HS_G1_piaSRT_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/piaSRT/stdev
HS_G1_piaSRT_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/piaSRT/hist
HS_G1_observationCounts_total: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: total
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/observationCounts/total
HS_G1_observationCounts_localTime: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][tim = 0..23][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,tim,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: localTime
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/observationCounts/localTime
HS_G1_observationCounts_pia: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: pia
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/observationCounts/pia
HS_G1_observationCounts_shallowRain: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: shallowRain
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/observationCounts/shallowRain
HS_G1_zFactorFinalNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zFactorFinalNearSurface/count
HS_G1_zFactorFinalNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zFactorFinalNearSurface/mean
HS_G1_zFactorFinalNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zFactorFinalNearSurface/stdev
HS_G1_zFactorFinalNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/zFactorFinalNearSurface/hist
HS_G1_piaFinal_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/piaFinal/count
HS_G1_piaFinal_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/piaFinal/mean
HS_G1_piaFinal_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/piaFinal/stdev
HS_G1_piaFinal_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/piaFinal/hist
HS_G1_heightBB_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/heightBB/count
HS_G1_heightBB_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/heightBB/mean
HS_G1_heightBB_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/heightBB/stdev
HS_G1_heightBB_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/heightBB/hist
HS_G1_rainRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/rainRate/count
HS_G1_rainRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/rainRate/mean
HS_G1_rainRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/rainRate/stdev
HS_G1_rainRate_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/rainRate/hist
HS_G1_dBNw_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/dBNw/count
HS_G1_dBNw_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/dBNw/mean
HS_G1_dBNw_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/dBNw/stdev
HS_G1_dBNw_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/dBNw/hist
HS_G1_precipWaterIntegrated_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipWaterIntegrated/count
HS_G1_precipWaterIntegrated_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipWaterIntegrated/mean
HS_G1_precipWaterIntegrated_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipWaterIntegrated/stdev
HS_G1_precipWaterIntegrated_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipWaterIntegrated/hist
HS_G1_mixedPhRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/mixedPhRate/count
HS_G1_mixedPhRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/mixedPhRate/mean
HS_G1_mixedPhRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/mixedPhRate/stdev
HS_G1_mixedPhRate_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,hgt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/mixedPhRate/hist
HS_G1_precipProbabilityNearSurface: Array of 32 bit Reals [lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: precipProbabilityNearSurface
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipProbabilityNearSurface
HS_G1_flagHeavyIcePrecip_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/flagHeavyIcePrecip/count
HS_G1_flagHeavyIcePrecip_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/flagHeavyIcePrecip/mean
HS_G1_flagHeavyIcePrecip_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/flagHeavyIcePrecip/stdev
HS_G1_flagHeavyIcePrecip_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/flagHeavyIcePrecip/hist
HS_G1_precipRateLocalTime_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][tim = 0..23][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,tim,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRateLocalTime/count
HS_G1_precipRateLocalTime_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][tim = 0..23][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,tim,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRateLocalTime/mean
HS_G1_precipRateLocalTime_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][tim = 0..23][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,tim,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRateLocalTime/stdev
HS_G1_piaHB_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/piaHB/count
HS_G1_piaHB_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/piaHB/mean
HS_G1_piaHB_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/piaHB/stdev
HS_G1_piaHB_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,ang4,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/piaHB/hist
HS_G1_epsilon_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/epsilon/count
HS_G1_epsilon_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/epsilon/mean
HS_G1_epsilon_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/epsilon/stdev
HS_G1_epsilon_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/epsilon/hist
HS_G1_rainRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/rainRateNearSurface/count
HS_G1_rainRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/rainRateNearSurface/mean
HS_G1_rainRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/rainRateNearSurface/stdev
HS_G1_rainRateNearSurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/rainRateNearSurface/hist
HS_G1_precipRateESurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRateESurface/count
HS_G1_precipRateESurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRateESurface/mean
HS_G1_precipRateESurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRateESurface/stdev
HS_G1_precipRateESurface_hist: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29][st = 0..2][rt = 0..2][lnL = 0..71][ltL = 0..27]
DimensionNames: bin,st,rt,lnL,ltL
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: hist
fullnamepath: /HS/G1/precipRateESurface/hist
HS_G2_zeta_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/zeta/count
HS_G2_zeta_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/zeta/mean
HS_G2_zeta_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/zeta/stdev
HS_G2_zFactorMeasuredNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/zFactorMeasuredNearSurface/count
HS_G2_zFactorMeasuredNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/zFactorMeasuredNearSurface/mean
HS_G2_zFactorMeasuredNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/zFactorMeasuredNearSurface/stdev
HS_G2_precipRateESurface2_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipRateESurface2/count
HS_G2_precipRateESurface2_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipRateESurface2/mean
HS_G2_precipRateESurface2_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipRateESurface2/stdev
HS_G2_mixedPhRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/mixedPhRateNearSurface/count
HS_G2_mixedPhRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/mixedPhRateNearSurface/mean
HS_G2_mixedPhRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/mixedPhRateNearSurface/stdev
HS_G2_precipIceIntegrated_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipIceIntegrated/count
HS_G2_precipIceIntegrated_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipIceIntegrated/mean
HS_G2_precipIceIntegrated_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipIceIntegrated/stdev
HS_G2_snowRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/snowRateNearSurface/count
HS_G2_snowRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/snowRateNearSurface/mean
HS_G2_snowRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/snowRateNearSurface/stdev
HS_G2_heightStormTop_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/heightStormTop/count
HS_G2_heightStormTop_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/heightStormTop/mean
HS_G2_heightStormTop_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/heightStormTop/stdev
HS_G2_precipRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipRateNearSurface/count
HS_G2_precipRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipRateNearSurface/mean
HS_G2_precipRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipRateNearSurface/stdev
HS_G2_zFactorMeasured_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/zFactorMeasured/count
HS_G2_zFactorMeasured_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/zFactorMeasured/mean
HS_G2_zFactorMeasured_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/zFactorMeasured/stdev
HS_G2_heightBBnadir_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/heightBBnadir/count
HS_G2_heightBBnadir_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/heightBBnadir/mean
HS_G2_heightBBnadir_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/heightBBnadir/stdev
HS_G2_precipRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipRate/count
HS_G2_precipRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipRate/mean
HS_G2_precipRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipRate/stdev
HS_G2_BBwidth_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/BBwidth/count
HS_G2_BBwidth_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/BBwidth/mean
HS_G2_BBwidth_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/BBwidth/stdev
HS_G2_zFactorFinal_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/zFactorFinal/count
HS_G2_zFactorFinal_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/zFactorFinal/mean
HS_G2_zFactorFinal_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/zFactorFinal/stdev
HS_G2_zFactorFinalESurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/zFactorFinalESurface/count
HS_G2_zFactorFinalESurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/zFactorFinalESurface/mean
HS_G2_zFactorFinalESurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/zFactorFinalESurface/stdev
HS_G2_piaFinalSubset_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/piaFinalSubset/count
HS_G2_piaFinalSubset_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/piaFinalSubset/mean
HS_G2_piaFinalSubset_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/piaFinalSubset/stdev
HS_G2_piaHybrid_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/piaHybrid/count
HS_G2_piaHybrid_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/piaHybrid/mean
HS_G2_piaHybrid_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/piaHybrid/stdev
HS_G2_snowRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/snowRate/count
HS_G2_snowRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/snowRate/mean
HS_G2_snowRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/snowRate/stdev
HS_G2_precipRateAve24_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipRateAve24/count
HS_G2_precipRateAve24_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipRateAve24/mean
HS_G2_precipRateAve24_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipRateAve24/stdev
HS_G2_precipRateNearSurfaceUnconditional: Array of 32 bit Reals [lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: precipRateNearSurfaceUnconditional
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipRateNearSurfaceUnconditional
HS_G2_dm_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/dm/count
HS_G2_dm_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/dm/mean
HS_G2_dm_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/dm/stdev
HS_G2_BBwidthNadir_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/BBwidthNadir/count
HS_G2_BBwidthNadir_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/BBwidthNadir/mean
HS_G2_BBwidthNadir_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/BBwidthNadir/stdev
HS_G2_piaSRT_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/piaSRT/count
HS_G2_piaSRT_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/piaSRT/mean
HS_G2_piaSRT_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/piaSRT/stdev
HS_G2_observationCounts_total: Array of 32 bit Integers [lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: total
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/observationCounts/total
HS_G2_observationCounts_localTime: Array of 32 bit Integers [tim = 0..23][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: tim,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: localTime
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/observationCounts/localTime
HS_G2_observationCounts_pia: Array of 32 bit Integers [ang4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: ang4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: pia
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/observationCounts/pia
HS_G2_observationCounts_shallowRain: Array of 32 bit Integers [lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: shallowRain
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/observationCounts/shallowRain
HS_G2_zFactorFinalNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/zFactorFinalNearSurface/count
HS_G2_zFactorFinalNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/zFactorFinalNearSurface/mean
HS_G2_zFactorFinalNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/zFactorFinalNearSurface/stdev
HS_G2_piaFinal_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/piaFinal/count
HS_G2_piaFinal_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/piaFinal/mean
HS_G2_piaFinal_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/piaFinal/stdev
HS_G2_heightBB_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/heightBB/count
HS_G2_heightBB_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/heightBB/mean
HS_G2_heightBB_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/heightBB/stdev
HS_G2_rainRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/rainRate/count
HS_G2_rainRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/rainRate/mean
HS_G2_rainRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/rainRate/stdev
HS_G2_dBNw_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/dBNw/count
HS_G2_dBNw_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/dBNw/mean
HS_G2_dBNw_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/dBNw/stdev
HS_G2_precipWaterIntegrated_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipWaterIntegrated/count
HS_G2_precipWaterIntegrated_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipWaterIntegrated/mean
HS_G2_precipWaterIntegrated_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipWaterIntegrated/stdev
HS_G2_mixedPhRate_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/mixedPhRate/count
HS_G2_mixedPhRate_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/mixedPhRate/mean
HS_G2_mixedPhRate_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][hgt = 0..4][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,hgt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/mixedPhRate/stdev
HS_G2_precipProbabilityNearSurface: Array of 32 bit Reals [lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: precipProbabilityNearSurface
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipProbabilityNearSurface
HS_G2_flagHeavyIcePrecip_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/flagHeavyIcePrecip/count
HS_G2_flagHeavyIcePrecip_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/flagHeavyIcePrecip/mean
HS_G2_flagHeavyIcePrecip_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/flagHeavyIcePrecip/stdev
HS_G2_precipRateLocalTime_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [tim = 0..23][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: tim,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipRateLocalTime/count
HS_G2_precipRateLocalTime_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [tim = 0..23][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: tim,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipRateLocalTime/mean
HS_G2_precipRateLocalTime_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [tim = 0..23][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: tim,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipRateLocalTime/stdev
HS_G2_piaHB_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/piaHB/count
HS_G2_piaHB_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/piaHB/mean
HS_G2_piaHB_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][ang4 = 0..3][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,ang4,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/piaHB/stdev
HS_G2_epsilon_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/epsilon/count
HS_G2_epsilon_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/epsilon/mean
HS_G2_epsilon_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/epsilon/stdev
HS_G2_rainRateNearSurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/rainRateNearSurface/count
HS_G2_rainRateNearSurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/rainRateNearSurface/mean
HS_G2_rainRateNearSurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/rainRateNearSurface/stdev
HS_G2_precipRateESurface_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: count
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipRateESurface/count
HS_G2_precipRateESurface_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: mean
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipRateESurface/mean
HS_G2_precipRateESurface_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [rt = 0..2][lnH = 0..1439][ltH = 0..535]
DimensionNames: rt,lnH,ltH
_FillValue: -9999.900391
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: stdev
fullnamepath: /HS/G2/precipRateESurface/stdev
ang4: Array of 32 bit Integers [ang4 = 0..3]
units: level
ang7: Array of 32 bit Integers [ang7 = 0..6]
units: level
bin: Array of 32 bit Integers [bin = 0..29]
units: level
chn3: Array of 32 bit Integers [chn3 = 0..2]
units: level
chn4: Array of 32 bit Integers [chn4 = 0..3]
units: level
hgt: Array of 32 bit Reals [hgt = 0..4]
lnH: Array of 32 bit Reals [lnH = 0..1439]
units: degrees_east
lnL: Array of 32 bit Reals [lnL = 0..71]
units: degrees_east
ltH: Array of 32 bit Reals [ltH = 0..535]
units: degrees_north
ltL: Array of 32 bit Reals [ltL = 0..27]
units: degrees_north
rt: Array of 32 bit Integers [rt = 0..2]
units: level
st: Array of 32 bit Integers [st = 0..2]
units: level
tim: Array of 32 bit Integers [tim = 0..23]
units: level