Attributes { HDF5_GLOBAL { String FileHeader "DOI=10.5067/GPM/PR/TRMM/3A-DAY/07; DOIauthority=; DOIshortName=3PRD; AlgorithmID=3PRD; AlgorithmVersion=V3.20220411; FileName=3A-DAY.TRMM.PR.V3-20220411.20150321-S000000-E235959.080.V07A.HDF5; SatelliteName=TRMM; InstrumentName=PR; GenerationDateTime=2022-06-25T05:10:22.000Z; StartGranuleDateTime=2015-03-21T00:00:00.000Z; StopGranuleDateTime=2015-03-21T23:59:59.999Z; GranuleNumber=; NumberOfSwaths=0; NumberOfGrids=1; GranuleStart=; TimeInterval=DAY; ProcessingSystem=PPS; ProductVersion=V07A; EmptyGranule=NOT_EMPTY; MissingData=; "; String FileInfo "DataFormatVersion=7c; TKCodeBuildVersion=0; MetadataVersion=7c; FormatPackage=HDF5-1.10.5; BlueprintFilename=GPM.V7.3PRD.blueprint.xml; BlueprintVersion=BV_69; TKIOVersion=3.99; MetadataStyle=PVL; EndianType=LITTLE_ENDIAN; "; String JAXAInfo "GranuleFirstScanUTCDateTime=; GranuleLastScanUTCDateTime=; TotalQualityCode=Good; FirstScanLat=; FirstScanLon=; LastScanLat=; LastScanLon=; NumberOfRainPixelsFS=; NumberOfRainPixelsHS=; ProcessingSubSystem=; ProcessingMode=; LightSpeed=; DielectricFactorKa=; DielectricFactorKu=; "; } GRID { String GridHeader "BinMethod=ARITHMETIC_MEAN; Registration=CENTER; LatitudeResolution=0.25; LongitudeResolution=0.25; NorthBoundingCoordinate=67; SouthBoundingCoordinate=-67; EastBoundingCoordinate=180; WestBoundingCoordinate=-180; Origin=SOUTHWEST; "; String fullnamepath "/GRID"; } GRID_GridTimeDes { } GRID_GridTimeAsc { } precipRateNearSurfaceMean { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nlon,nlat"; String Units "mm/hr"; String units "mm/hr"; String CodeMissingValue "-9999.9"; String origname "precipRateNearSurfaceMean"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/precipRateNearSurfaceMean"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; } precipRateMean { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nalt,nlon,nlat"; String Units "mm/hr"; String units "mm/hr"; String CodeMissingValue "-9999.9"; String origname "precipRateMean"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/precipRateMean"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; } heightStormTopMean { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nlon,nlat"; String Units "m"; String units "m"; String CodeMissingValue "-9999.9"; String origname "heightStormTopMean"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/heightStormTopMean"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; } rainRateNearSurfaceMean { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nlon,nlat"; String Units "mm/hr"; String units "mm/hr"; String CodeMissingValue "-9999.9"; String origname "rainRateNearSurfaceMean"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/rainRateNearSurfaceMean"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; } totalPixel { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nlon,nlat"; Int16 _FillValue -9999; String CodeMissingValue "-9999"; String origname "totalPixel"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/totalPixel"; } precipRateESurfaceMean { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nlon,nlat"; String Units "mm/hr"; String units "mm/hr"; String CodeMissingValue "-9999.9"; String origname "precipRateESurfaceMean"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/precipRateESurfaceMean"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; } precipRateESurface2Mean { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nlon,nlat"; String Units "mm/hr"; String units "mm/hr"; String CodeMissingValue "-9999.9"; String origname "precipRateESurface2Mean"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/precipRateESurface2Mean"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; } stratPrecipPixelNearSurface { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nlon,nlat"; Int16 _FillValue -9999; String CodeMissingValue "-9999"; String origname "stratPrecipPixelNearSurface"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/stratPrecipPixelNearSurface"; } precipPixelNearSurface { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nlon,nlat"; Int16 _FillValue -9999; String CodeMissingValue "-9999"; String origname "precipPixelNearSurface"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/precipPixelNearSurface"; } stratPrecipRateNearSurfaceMean { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nlon,nlat"; String Units "mm/hr"; String units "mm/hr"; String CodeMissingValue "-9999.9"; String origname "stratPrecipRateNearSurfaceMean"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/stratPrecipRateNearSurfaceMean"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; } convPrecipPixelNearSurface { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nlon,nlat"; Int16 _FillValue -9999; String CodeMissingValue "-9999"; String origname "convPrecipPixelNearSurface"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/convPrecipPixelNearSurface"; } convPrecipRateNearSurfaceMean { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nlon,nlat"; String Units "mm/hr"; String units "mm/hr"; String CodeMissingValue "-9999.9"; String origname "convPrecipRateNearSurfaceMean"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/convPrecipRateNearSurfaceMean"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; } snowRateNearSurfaceMean { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nlon,nlat"; String Units "mm/hr"; String units "mm/hr"; String CodeMissingValue "-9999.9"; String origname "snowRateNearSurfaceMean"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/snowRateNearSurfaceMean"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; } convPrecipRateESurfaceMean { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nlon,nlat"; String Units "mm/hr"; String units "mm/hr"; String CodeMissingValue "-9999.9"; String origname "convPrecipRateESurfaceMean"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/convPrecipRateESurfaceMean"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; } stratPrecipRateESurfaceMean { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nlon,nlat"; String Units "mm/hr"; String units "mm/hr"; String CodeMissingValue "-9999.9"; String origname "stratPrecipRateESurfaceMean"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/stratPrecipRateESurfaceMean"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; } GridTimeDes_Month { String DimensionNames "nlon,nlat"; String Units "months"; String units "months"; Int16 _FillValue -99; String CodeMissingValue "-99"; String origname "Month"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/GridTimeDes/Month"; } GridTimeDes_DayOfMonth { String DimensionNames "nlon,nlat"; String Units "days"; String units "days"; Int16 _FillValue -99; String CodeMissingValue "-99"; String origname "DayOfMonth"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/GridTimeDes/DayOfMonth"; } GridTimeDes_Minute { String DimensionNames "nlon,nlat"; String Units "minutes"; String units "minutes"; Int16 _FillValue -99; String CodeMissingValue "-99"; String origname "Minute"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/GridTimeDes/Minute"; } GridTimeDes_Year { String DimensionNames "nlon,nlat"; String Units "years"; String units "years"; Int16 _FillValue -9999; String CodeMissingValue "-9999"; String origname "Year"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/GridTimeDes/Year"; } GridTimeDes_MilliSecond { String DimensionNames "nlon,nlat"; String Units "ms"; String units "ms"; Int16 _FillValue -9999; String CodeMissingValue "-9999"; String origname "MilliSecond"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/GridTimeDes/MilliSecond"; } GridTimeDes_Hour { String DimensionNames "nlon,nlat"; String Units "hours"; String units "hours"; Int16 _FillValue -99; String CodeMissingValue "-99"; String origname "Hour"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/GridTimeDes/Hour"; } GridTimeDes_DayOfYear { String DimensionNames "nlon,nlat"; String Units "days"; String units "days"; Int16 _FillValue -9999; String CodeMissingValue "-9999"; String origname "DayOfYear"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/GridTimeDes/DayOfYear"; } GridTimeDes_Second { String DimensionNames "nlon,nlat"; String Units "s"; String units "s"; Int16 _FillValue -99; String CodeMissingValue "-99"; String origname "Second"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/GridTimeDes/Second"; } snowRateMean { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nalt,nlon,nlat"; String Units "mm/hr"; String units "mm/hr"; String CodeMissingValue "-9999.9"; String origname "snowRateMean"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/snowRateMean"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; } mixedRateNearSurfaceMean { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nlon,nlat"; String Units "mm/hr"; String units "mm/hr"; String CodeMissingValue "-9999.9"; String origname "mixedRateNearSurfaceMean"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/mixedRateNearSurfaceMean"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; } precipPixelESurface { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nlon,nlat"; Int16 _FillValue -9999; String CodeMissingValue "-9999"; String origname "precipPixelESurface"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/precipPixelESurface"; } rainRateMean { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nalt,nlon,nlat"; String Units "mm/hr"; String units "mm/hr"; String CodeMissingValue "-9999.9"; String origname "rainRateMean"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/rainRateMean"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; } GridTimeAsc_Month { String DimensionNames "nlon,nlat"; String Units "months"; String units "months"; Int16 _FillValue -99; String CodeMissingValue "-99"; String origname "Month"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/GridTimeAsc/Month"; } GridTimeAsc_DayOfMonth { String DimensionNames "nlon,nlat"; String Units "days"; String units "days"; Int16 _FillValue -99; String CodeMissingValue "-99"; String origname "DayOfMonth"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/GridTimeAsc/DayOfMonth"; } GridTimeAsc_Minute { String DimensionNames "nlon,nlat"; String Units "minutes"; String units "minutes"; Int16 _FillValue -99; String CodeMissingValue "-99"; String origname "Minute"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/GridTimeAsc/Minute"; } GridTimeAsc_Year { String DimensionNames "nlon,nlat"; String Units "years"; String units "years"; Int16 _FillValue -9999; String CodeMissingValue "-9999"; String origname "Year"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/GridTimeAsc/Year"; } GridTimeAsc_MilliSecond { String DimensionNames "nlon,nlat"; String Units "ms"; String units "ms"; Int16 _FillValue -9999; String CodeMissingValue "-9999"; String origname "MilliSecond"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/GridTimeAsc/MilliSecond"; } GridTimeAsc_Hour { String DimensionNames "nlon,nlat"; String Units "hours"; String units "hours"; Int16 _FillValue -99; String CodeMissingValue "-99"; String origname "Hour"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/GridTimeAsc/Hour"; } GridTimeAsc_DayOfYear { String DimensionNames "nlon,nlat"; String Units "days"; String units "days"; Int16 _FillValue -9999; String CodeMissingValue "-9999"; String origname "DayOfYear"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/GridTimeAsc/DayOfYear"; } GridTimeAsc_Second { String DimensionNames "nlon,nlat"; String Units "s"; String units "s"; Int16 _FillValue -99; String CodeMissingValue "-99"; String origname "Second"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/GridTimeAsc/Second"; } precipPixel { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nalt,nlon,nlat"; Int16 _FillValue -9999; String CodeMissingValue "-9999"; String origname "precipPixel"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/precipPixel"; } heightBBMean { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nlon,nlat"; String Units "m"; String units "m"; String CodeMissingValue "-9999.9"; String origname "heightBBMean"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/heightBBMean"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; } stratPrecipRateMean { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nalt,nlon,nlat"; String Units "mm/hr"; String units "mm/hr"; String CodeMissingValue "-9999.9"; String origname "stratPrecipRateMean"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/stratPrecipRateMean"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; } phase { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nvar,nalt,nlon,nlat"; Int16 _FillValue -9999; String CodeMissingValue "-9999"; String origname "phase"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/phase"; } convPrecipRateMean { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nalt,nlon,nlat"; String Units "mm/hr"; String units "mm/hr"; String CodeMissingValue "-9999.9"; String origname "convPrecipRateMean"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/convPrecipRateMean"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; } mixedRateMean { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nalt,nlon,nlat"; String Units "mm/hr"; String units "mm/hr"; String CodeMissingValue "-9999.9"; String origname "mixedRateMean"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/mixedRateMean"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; } phaseNearSurface { String DimensionNames "AD,chd,nvar,nlon,nlat"; Int16 _FillValue -9999; String CodeMissingValue "-9999"; String origname "phaseNearSurface"; String fullnamepath "/GRID/phaseNearSurface"; } AD { String comment "Ascending or descending half of the orbit."; String units "level"; } chd { String units "level"; } nalt { String units "km"; String axis "Z"; String positive "up"; String comment "Number of heights above the earth ellipsoid"; } nlat { String units "degrees_north"; } nlon { String units "degrees_east"; } nvar { String comment "Number of phase bins. Bins are counts of phase less than 100, counts of phase greater than or equal to 100 and less than 200, counts of phase greater than or equal to 200."; String units "level"; } }