OPeNDAP Server Dataset Access Form


Data URL:

Global Attributes:


precipRateNearSurfaceMean: Array of 32 bit Reals [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nlon: nlat:

precipRateMean: Array of 32 bit Reals [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nalt = 0..4][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nalt: nlon: nlat:

heightStormTopMean: Array of 32 bit Reals [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nlon: nlat:

rainRateNearSurfaceMean: Array of 32 bit Reals [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nlon: nlat:

totalPixel: Array of 16 bit Integers [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nlon: nlat:

precipRateESurfaceMean: Array of 32 bit Reals [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nlon: nlat:

precipRateESurface2Mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nlon: nlat:

stratPrecipPixelNearSurface: Array of 16 bit Integers [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nlon: nlat:

precipPixelNearSurface: Array of 16 bit Integers [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nlon: nlat:

stratPrecipRateNearSurfaceMean: Array of 32 bit Reals [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nlon: nlat:

convPrecipPixelNearSurface: Array of 16 bit Integers [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nlon: nlat:

convPrecipRateNearSurfaceMean: Array of 32 bit Reals [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nlon: nlat:

snowRateNearSurfaceMean: Array of 32 bit Reals [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nlon: nlat:

convPrecipRateESurfaceMean: Array of 32 bit Reals [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nlon: nlat:

stratPrecipRateESurfaceMean: Array of 32 bit Reals [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nlon: nlat:

GridTimeDes_Month: Array of 16 bit Integers [nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
nlon: nlat:

GridTimeDes_DayOfMonth: Array of 16 bit Integers [nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
nlon: nlat:

GridTimeDes_Minute: Array of 16 bit Integers [nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
nlon: nlat:

GridTimeDes_Year: Array of 16 bit Integers [nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
nlon: nlat:

GridTimeDes_MilliSecond: Array of 16 bit Integers [nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
nlon: nlat:

GridTimeDes_Hour: Array of 16 bit Integers [nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
nlon: nlat:

GridTimeDes_DayOfYear: Array of 16 bit Integers [nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
nlon: nlat:

GridTimeDes_Second: Array of 16 bit Integers [nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
nlon: nlat:

snowRateMean: Array of 32 bit Reals [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nalt = 0..4][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nalt: nlon: nlat:

mixedRateNearSurfaceMean: Array of 32 bit Reals [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nlon: nlat:

precipPixelESurface: Array of 16 bit Integers [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nlon: nlat:

rainRateMean: Array of 32 bit Reals [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nalt = 0..4][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nalt: nlon: nlat:

GridTimeAsc_Month: Array of 16 bit Integers [nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
nlon: nlat:

GridTimeAsc_DayOfMonth: Array of 16 bit Integers [nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
nlon: nlat:

GridTimeAsc_Minute: Array of 16 bit Integers [nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
nlon: nlat:

GridTimeAsc_Year: Array of 16 bit Integers [nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
nlon: nlat:

GridTimeAsc_MilliSecond: Array of 16 bit Integers [nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
nlon: nlat:

GridTimeAsc_Hour: Array of 16 bit Integers [nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
nlon: nlat:

GridTimeAsc_DayOfYear: Array of 16 bit Integers [nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
nlon: nlat:

GridTimeAsc_Second: Array of 16 bit Integers [nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
nlon: nlat:

precipPixel: Array of 16 bit Integers [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nalt = 0..4][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nalt: nlon: nlat:

heightBBMean: Array of 32 bit Reals [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nlon: nlat:

stratPrecipRateMean: Array of 32 bit Reals [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nalt = 0..4][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nalt: nlon: nlat:

phase: Array of 16 bit Integers [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nvar = 0..2][nalt = 0..4][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nvar: nalt: nlon: nlat:

convPrecipRateMean: Array of 32 bit Reals [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nalt = 0..4][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nalt: nlon: nlat:

mixedRateMean: Array of 32 bit Reals [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nalt = 0..4][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nalt: nlon: nlat:

phaseNearSurface: Array of 16 bit Integers [AD = 0..1][chd = 0..2][nvar = 0..2][nlon = 0..1439][nlat = 0..535]
AD: chd: nvar: nlon: nlat:

AD: Array of 32 bit Integers [AD = 0..1]

chd: Array of 32 bit Integers [chd = 0..2]

nalt: Array of 32 bit Reals [nalt = 0..4]

nlat: Array of 32 bit Reals [nlat = 0..535]

nlon: Array of 32 bit Reals [nlon = 0..1439]

nvar: Array of 32 bit Integers [nvar = 0..2]

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